by HipHopInternational | Apr 21, 2017 | News |
Domani sera tutte le migliori Dance Crew italiane si sfideranno davanti ad una giuria di star internazionali per conquistare un posto al World Hip Hop Dance Championship di Phoenix Le migliori Dance Crew italiane tutte insieme, tutte in una sera per una sfida unica...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 20, 2017 | News
Über die Osterfeiertage fand in Hannover das Bundesfinale des großen „Hip Hop International Germany“ (HHI) statt. Auch die mehrfach ausgezeichnete „The K. Crew“ unter der Leitung von The K. der Europa-Park Talent Academy nahm an dem wohl wichtigsten...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 18, 2017 | News
Cléguer, capitale du hip hop ? Quand même pas mais une association en défend bien les couleurs. À Orléans, le jeune groupe de danse est monté sur la 3e marche du podium de la plus grande compétition de hip hop. Le Hip Hop International (HHI) ? Il s’agit de la plus...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 17, 2017 | News
More than 4,000 dancers from 50 countries are converging on Phoenix in August for the World Hip Hop Dance Championship. In other words, it’s time to brush up on your popping, breaking, and locking knowledge. The world championship is part of a nine-day lineup of...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 15, 2017 | News
The world’s largest hip hop dance championship comes to Phoenix for the first time. For an entire week in August, thousands of performers from 50 countries will compete for world titles at the16th Annual World Hip Hop DANCE Championship. Competitors including...