by HipHopInternational | Aug 28, 2016 | News |
EL GRUPO EN EL RECINTO Distinguieron al grupo Angelus El Concejo Deliberante de la capital destacó la labor de los artistas que participaron del Mundial de Hip Hop en Las Vegas. El equipo está conformado por más de 30 jóvenes correntinos. La declaración de interés...
by HipHopInternational | Aug 22, 2016 | News |
Hop-International’s 2016 World Hip Hip-Hop Dance Championship HHI 2016 World Street Dance Championship finals last night in Las Vegas, Thomas and Mack Center arena opened. The team will come from 47 countries of the world to start a seven-day race. China’s...
by HipHopInternational | Aug 22, 2016 | News |
Dai Mondiali americani alla rassegna in Toscana: i successi e gli appuntamenti della scuola Mc Group di Mariano Comense. Mentre erano in corso le Olimpiadi di Rio, si stavano svolgendo, negli Usa, le finali Mondiali di Hip Hop che si sono disputate a Las Vegas nella...
by HipHopInternational | Aug 17, 2016 | News |
Results of 15th World Hip Hop DANCE Championship HIP HOP DANCE CHAMPIONS FROM 50 NATIONS COMPETED FOR THE GOLD IN LAS VEGAS AT THE 15th WORLD HIP HOP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP Top Honors Went to Dance Crews from Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Philippines PHOTOS OF WINNING...
by HipHopInternational | Aug 17, 2016 | News |
Hip Hop International’s (HHI) week-long competition that crowns U.S. and world dance champions in multiple categories concluded Saturday night as two defending champions repeated with gold medal-winning performances. Varsity division champs Kana-Boon!, hailing from...