by HipHopInternational | Apr 29, 2016 | News |
У Києві стартував Національний чемпіонат Hip Hop International
by HipHopInternational | Apr 29, 2016 | News |
In preparation for Hip Hop International returning to Las Vegas this year many HHI qualifiers got their start right after the 2015 Finals. Not wasting any time to be prepared for HHI’s return to Las Vegas, HHI Colombia who began their 2016 qualifier in October of 2015...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 28, 2016 | News |
The Jabbawockeez didn’t expect to win the first season of MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew” in 2008. When the then-San Diego-based group entered the reality competition show, they had done so partly in in memory of a recently deceased...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 27, 2016 | News |
Os DC Dance Coolture, sedeados na URCD Coina, no concelho do Barreiro, levaram quatro equipas ao Hip Hop Internacional Portugal, as quais competiram nas divisões Juniors, Varsity, Adult e Dancehall. de refrir que alguns elementos do grupo também competirem na divisão...
by HipHopInternational | Apr 26, 2016 | News |
World Street Dance Championship was founded in 2002 and headquartered in Los Angeles. A plurality of television dance competition and international live events agency co-founded, including MTV Randy Jackson produced America’s best dance team, American hip hop...