by HipHopInternational | Nov 30, 2016 | News |
Mangere local Carlos Skipper would’ve been “just another retail salesperson” if he weren’t touring the world and winning international dance competitions. He is part of a dance crew called The Bradas that won again gold at the Hip Hop...
by HipHopInternational | Nov 27, 2016 | News |
El taller de danzas urbanas y grupo de competencia de hip hop a cargo de Priscila Suárez, joven dedicada a este estilo, cerrará el año con su participación en el campeonato argentino de hip hop. Sus integrantes lograron con gran esfuerzo gestionar los costos que...
by HipHopInternational | Nov 7, 2016 | News |
After a hook by Las Vegas, Clémence Olivier, an Evronnaise student, participates with the hip-hop company Human’s on the program Incrediable Talent on M6. Passionate about dancing and especially about hip-hop, Clémence Olivier is experiencing a great adventure...
by HipHopInternational | Nov 4, 2016 | News |
The Bradas in the ad for Steinlager Tokyo Dry A hip-hop dance group is are following in the footsteps of Paris Goebel after they were included in an international advertising campaign. The Bradas are two-time world champions and feature in commercials for major beer...
by HipHopInternational | Nov 1, 2016 | News |
HHI MEXICO te invita ser parte del Campeonato Nacional 2017 - MEXICO HIP HOP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP, WORLD BATTLES MEXICO & URBAN MOVES… ¿Estás listo? “CAMPEONATO NACIONAL MEXICO HIP HOP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP” La competencia de Hip Hop más importante...