Of course this year’s journey at the Hip Hop International World Dance Championships was a memorable one, but the road to the championships was no cake walk. This year truly showed how hard it was to be a judge. Each crew brought an insane amount of talent, originality, fine girls with accents :) , and a hunger to make it to the end. As for me, I DID end up making it to watch the finals. Work ended early for me somehow (which never, ever, EVER, EVER, EVER, happens) and my little brother gave me the, “Shiiii, I’m down,” so we hit the road at 3:00 AM. I stayed up for about 30 hours, but soon enough, I was back in Baegas, where I am in a constant state of excitement, lust, and fatigue. Here are the results of this year’s nail-biting, jaw-dropping, made-me-want-to-throw-my-drink-and-Daniel’s-Irish-nachos-into -the-crowd, performances:

The Gold in the Junior Division went to Fresh 2.0 from Canada. Never have I felt like I had wasted so much of my youth, after watching these three crews perform.

For the first time in HHI history, the winners in the Varsity division were J.B. Star, a Japanese team. It was also the first time that two Japanese teams placed in the Varsity division. (HELLO WAKE UP KOREA)

The Champions of the Adult division were once again from Canada, but a different crew; Brotherhood. These guys all stepped up from the Varsity division and were able to beat Rockwell Family, who won the year before, but placed 3rd this time around.

In the Mega Crew Division, the Royal Family was finally dethroned by A-Team of the Philippines. By this time, I was screaming like a little girl in my seat and probably annoying the shit out of all the other little girls around me.

These dudes didn’t place, but I put them in here because they’re just mad fly.

Thank you to all of the crews around the world for coming together and putting on such an amazing event. I don’t know how you managed to do it, but this time around had me wanting to pull out my hair and rip off my clothes like the dudes from the Academy of Brothers. Hip Hop International, not only did you once again unite over 40 countries for the love, but you have made all of us sure that we are a part of something way bigger than us.



Full Story: http://timelessbrand.net/?p=5707